
 It has been a year.  

I've thought about updating this with my current projects a few times but, like a lot of other people in the world, as soon as I acclimatize to the current situation something else comes around the corner. My focus for most of the year has been to stay on top of the work because I'm lucky to have it. Keep my family and coworkers going and safe, because I'm lucky to have them. But I tend to let myself get lost in all that.  

For my own mental health, I've been carving out a little bit of time here and there to do things. Sometimes creative, sometimes just zoning out while I reorganize a drawer.  I'm trying to check in with myself a little more because the burnout is real.

But this isn't a public diary, because sharing my insides is scary.  LOL, Instead I plan on sharing the making, the creating, the magic.  And I'm sure some of the inside stuff will leak out as it is wont to do.  


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